Excercise 3.11

February 11th, 2010

1. Comprises
2.In the year of the Lord 33 B.C.
6.International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
7.Navy ROTC


February 7th, 2010

So I’m reading this article about Miss America 2010 because she lived like 10 minutes from me, get to the bottom of the page and I see, “A Sexy Alternative to the Super Bowl,” thinking to myself, “womens football league, not very sexy.” I was wrong, this is the Lingerie Football League, launched in September 2009, has become very popular within this short period of time. They have already turned a profit and have tickets selling from ten to 135 dollars.
Who plays in the LFL? Doctors, lawyers, mothers and even cocktail waitresses, now I don’t know about you but I would not be bragging about my mom running around in her underwear playing football. I have to admit though, only in America will you find entertainment like this.

Movie review: “The Blind Side”

January 28th, 2010

“The Blind Side” starring Sandra Bullock is a movie about a boy who comes from rough neighborhood and transformed into a fenominal football player, who is a linebacker for the Baltimore Ravens.  He is taken in and adopted by a family and coached and guided through his trials and tribulations. Four stars.

Wordiness Assignment

January 26th, 2010

There was never any doubt that Hannah would soon become an internationally known jazz singer.

Midville is a small town that offers  safety and security to its residents, especially to those who are raising families with small children.

Erin could not see the point in continuing to pay where she was absolutely convinced that she was not receiving the best education or her money’s worth for the tuition she was spending.

Most of February, Laura stayed cooped up in her room fighting off the effects of a debilitating cold

Hello world!

January 26th, 2010

Welcome to onMason. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Update: It turns out this post is useless! In fact this is our third post. Sorry.