News Leads

Straight News  LONDON – The suspect in the disappearance of American student Natalee Holloway has confessed to disposing of her body in a swamp on the Caribbean island of Aruba, according to a Dutch tabloid newspaper and Aruba’s chief prosecutor.

Anecdotal REALLY?– For ages, mothers have admonished children at the dinner table to slow down and chew their food. Apparently, they’re onto something.

Question- New Health Rule: Have you had your five to nine servings of vegetables today? Exercised for an hour? Cut back on saturated fat and gotten eight hours of sleep?

Didn’t Work- VANCOUVER, British Columbia — For sheer spectacle, the Olympics offer the opening ceremony, the closing ceremony and dozens of medal ceremonies in between. For sheer awkwardness, they offer the kiss-and-cry area

One Response to “News Leads”

  1. dkois says:

    That’s not an anecdotal lead — it doesn’t put us in the middle of the narrative. And why did you not like the fourth lead? 3/5.

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