Ex 4.2

Q1- Martin Goldsmith, general manager of the local public radio station said that the fund-raising goal this year is to raise $100,000. With spending about $130,000 last year, there is a lot that people would like to have on the station and this money will go towards that.

Q2-Marilyn Wall, president of the Walls Tire Co., said that the current year is up about 20 percent over last year. They have also expanded the work force and added about 20 new jobs in the factory.

Q3-Marsha Moss, director of the local symphony orchestra said that the audience seemed to enjoy every part of the program.  She also says that playing for an audience like that was a lot more fun and it shows that the people appreciate all of the time and effort we put into each concert.

Q6- Laura Stewart, president of Stewart Advertising Agency said the agency increased its gross revenues by over 20 percent.  Maybe as much as 25 percent of this gross comes from local businesses.

One Response to “Ex 4.2”

  1. dkois says:

    Careful with commas: “Laura Stewart, president of Stewart Advertising Agency, said…” Decent paraphrases, but plagued by awkward sentences and punctuation. The fourth one is very vague. 3/5.

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