
Photo courtesy of Flickr user p i c a

There are two very distinct looking trees separated from the rest in the horizon.  They are growing towards each other, although they look like they are not growing at all.  The surroundings of desert sand and dead bushes, suggest that whatever life once exhisted, has since ceased.  The sky is black and grey, like a storm is coming.  One tree looks fuller than the other.  In the distance there is one tree that looks like a Christmas tree, it looks the livliest of all of the plants in the scene. The wind is blowing because the bushes in the distance are leaning over.  Past the Christmas tree are a few more trees that look more alive than the rest, they are also much taller than the rest.  The trunk of the tree on the left has some bark missing off of it, this is also the tree that is not as full.  The sand is light colored, and looks like water has not come in contact with it for a while.  There are some stray pieces of grass around the two trees.

One Response to “Description”

  1. dkois says:

    Excellent description of a tough photo. 5/5.

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