So I’m reading this article about Miss America 2010 because she lived like 10 minutes from me, get to the bottom of the page and I see, “A Sexy Alternative to the Super Bowl,” thinking to myself, “womens football league, not very sexy.” I was wrong, this is the Lingerie Football League, launched in September 2009, has become very popular within this short period of time. They have already turned a profit and have tickets selling from ten to 135 dollars.
Who plays in the LFL? Doctors, lawyers, mothers and even cocktail waitresses, now I don’t know about you but I would not be bragging about my mom running around in her underwear playing football. I have to admit though, only in America will you find entertainment like this.

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3 Responses to “LFL”

  1. krobins5 says:

    I have never really understood why women in lingerie playing football would be considered entertainment. Then I realized that it is very man’s ideal fantasy. I thought that the Lingerie Football League consisted of several reality shows and D-list celebrities. I would never watch something like this but I have a feeling that this bowl will have many male viewers.

  2. khwang3 says:

    Agreeing with the comment above i would NEVER watch women playing football in lingerie…I do understand why you would want to..
    What would happen if they game got a little rough and peoples lingerie started to rip off or somewhat…wouldnt that be more embarrassing?!

  3. johnkang says:

    It’s a great marketing ploy. Take two of the most widely viewed forms of entertainment and mash them together. What do you get? A lot of attention and a lot of money.

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